Dienstag, 5. Oktober 2010

The story of Fitti Pahris Cashmeres on the magazine covers

“Nothing limits achievement like small thinking; 
nothing expands possibilities like unleashed imagination.”  

William Arthur Ward 
(American Writer)

All we do, is only possible with the kind 
trust, support and appreciation by you!
Thank you so much. In the name of all,
Fritz Strempel & Christopher Kopp

Passion Of Perfection

(The above published images are from the unreleased campaign of Spring/Summer11 and are subject to  strict copyrights of Fitti Pahris OHG. Publishing until January 2011 only with permission. Please contact us at press@fittipahris.com. Campaign shot by Malte Babion) www.stylefiles.ch - www.maltebabion.de - www.fittipahris.com